Barcode (GS1) showing brackets when none should exist OR Barcode format wrong
Authored by: Terence Letourneau
Created: November 14, 2019
GS1 barcode showing brackets when none should exist:
Older versions of GVD (before 5.4) only provided the decoded values in a HRI (human readable interpretation) .
Starting with GlobalVision desktop v5.4, the barcode inspection profile contains the option of choosing which format to display the decoded GS1 barcode, these options are:

HRI: Human Readable Interpretation
RAW: Displays the barcode as is (checksum and all)
Scanner: Formats it to be shown normally formatted by commercial-grade barcode scanners
HRI: (01)00763000283800(11)150122(10)0000000000
RAW: 010076300028380011150122100000000000
Scanner: <F1>010076300028380011150122100000000000