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What Are Verify's File Limits?

Verify's performance can be optimized by following these file limitations:



File Size


Page Count


Page Dimensions

Maximum page height or width of 10,000 px (approximately 33.33 in, assuming a resolution of 300 DPI)

If your file exceeds these limits, Verify will still allow you to proceed. However, performance might degrade, and inspections might fail.

How can you avoid reaching Verify’s performance limit?

The best way to avoid reaching Verify’s performance limit is to prevent it at the source itself. We highly recommend sharing the above limitations with the design department creating the artwork files that will eventually be inspected within Verify to prevent any potential future complications. Respecting the above-stated thresholds during artwork creation is the best way to achieve great results.

That being said, we’re well aware that changing another department’s process or way of doing isn’t always possible. If you still have to deal with files above the software limitations, please try the below Tips & tricks or Troubleshooting Methods that apply to your use case.

General tips & tricks

Your inspection is failing or running slowly. What can you do?

You can use the following tips during your file preparation to optimize your inspection:

  • Exclude all unnecessary pages that you don’t need to inspect

  • Cross out all extraneous text you don’t care about

  • Crop the regions of interest you want to inspect

Specific limit troubleshooting

Your file is above the File Size limit. What should you do?

As mentioned above, files above 1 GB in size might encounter performance issues when inspected within Verify. To simplify the inspection and increase your chances of success, we recommend trying to compress your document to reduce its size under the limit.

NOTE It is not always possible to reduce the size of a PDF. If the document has already been optimized and compressed, extra compression might only reduce the size by a few MB.

Abobe Acrobat Application

Ensure your PDF has been optimized

  1. Open your PDF document in Adobe Acrobat

  2. Click on File > Save as Other

  3. Select Optimized PDF

  4. Click OK


Reduce PDF Size

  1. Open your PDF document in Adobe Acrobat

  2. Click on File > Save as Other

  3. Select Reduced Size PDF

  4. Click OK


Adobe Acrobat Online Compress Tool

  1. Go to the following link

  2. Upload the PDF document you want to compress

  3. Select your desired compression level

    1. High → Compresses to the smallest file size but also has the lowest quality

    2. Medium → Compresses to medium file size but has better quality

    3. Low → Compresses to the largest file size but keeps the best quality

  4. Click Compress

  5. Download your compressed file


Your file is above the Page Count limit. What should you do?

As mentioned above, files that are more than 200 pages long might encounter performance issues when inspected within Verify. To simplify the inspection and increase your chances of success, we recommend trying to exclude unimportant pages or split your inspection into smaller individual inspections.

Verify Application

Page Selection Tool

  1. Upload your file(s) in the Verify application as usual

  2. Click on the Page Selection tool

  3. Select Page Range

  4. Ensure the selected page range is under the 200 pages limit for both files

    1. By either excluding unimportant pages

    2. Or by splitting your inspection into smaller individual inspections

      1. For example, first inspect pages 1 to 150 then run a new inspection for pages 150 to 300

  5. Run your inspection as usual


Thumbnail Panel

  1. Upload your file(s) in the Verify application as usual

  2. Open the Thumbnail Panel

  3. Manually exclude pages to make sure the selected page range is under the 200 pages limit for both files

    1. By either excluding unimportant pages

    2. Or by splitting your inspection into smaller individual inspections

      1. For example, first inspect pages 1 to 150 then run a new inspection for pages 150 to 300

  4. Run your inspection as usual


Adobe Acrobat Application

  1. Open your PDF document in Adobe Acrobat

  2. Click on the Tools option

  3. Select Organize pages

  4. Select Split documents

  5. Enter the number of pages or maximum by which you want to split the document

  6. Click OK

  7. Rename individual files and repeat if needed


Your file has pages above the Page Dimensions limit. What should you do?

As mentioned above, pages that are more than 10,000 px in width or length might encounter performance issues when inspected within Verify. To simplify the inspection and increase your chances of success, we recommend trying one of the following options.

Verify Application

NOTE: Using the crop tool isn’t always the right solution when reaching the Page Dimensions limit. It will only work if the actual content you are trying to inspect is under the set limit when cropped. This is mostly for files that are really close to the limit and have extra information/space around the area of interest.

Crop Tool

  1. Upload your file(s) in the Verify application as usual

  2. Click on the Crop tool

  3. Use it to crop only the content you are interested in inspecting

    1. Exclude any extra information such as print slugs or unimportant headers/footers if applicable

  4. Run your inspection as usual

Screenshot 2024-11-07 at 19.10.05.png

NOTE: If one or a few pages exceed the page dimension limit while others are within it, excluding the oversized pages can allow users to successfully inspect the remaining pages in the file.

Exclude Pages Above Dimension Limit

  1. Upload your file(s) in the Verify application as usual

  2. Exclude the pages that are above the page dimension limit

  3. Inspect the rest of the pages


Adobe Acrobat Application

  1. Open your PDF document in Adobe Acrobat

  2. Click on the Tools option

  3. Select Use print production

  4. Select Preflight

  5. Select Acrobat Pro DC 2015 Profiles

  6. Select Single fixups

  7. Search for Size

  8. Select Scale pages to specified size

  9. Enter the desired size value

  10. Click OK

  11. Save the new resized PDF

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