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Step 3: Viewing the Results

Video: How to View Results

Once your file preparation is finalized, following the instructions from Step 2: Preparing Files, the Results tab is automatically enabled, allowing you to view your inspection results.

Reminder: The inspection process goes through three stages:

  • 1. Prep

  • 2. Results

  • 3. Report

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Navigating Results

It is possible to hide the Source or New panels, along with the Difference Panel for easier overview and to gain more space in your screen when performing the inspection review.

Hide/Show Inspection File Panels

On the top right corner right above the inspected files, a View button will allow you to hide either one of the inspected files.


When hovering over this button, it will expand, allowing you to choose whether you wish to see the Source or New file, or leave both files side by side:


Hide/Show Difference Panel

Similarly, it is also possible to hide the Difference Panel to allow for maximum space when reviewing inspection results.

You can hide the Difference Panel by clicking Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 20.56.42.png. The arrow is located right outside of the Difference panel on the right, in line with the section headers.


Viewing Differences

Difference List

The Difference List displays all the differences found when running an inspection.

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Difference List

Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 13.16.41.png

Difference Card

Inspection Filter Tabs

When performing an inspection using multiple modules, the system will group differences together by module, allowing for easy filtering of one or all modules.

The 4. Inspection Filter Tabs will allow you view results based on the inspection types you chose to run in the Prep stage. In the example below, in the Prep Stage, a Text Compare, Spell Check, Graphics Compare and Barcode Inspection was run in the Prep stage.

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The 5. Results tab indicates how many differences have been found during an inspection.

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To Sort Differences:

  • Click the 6. Sort icon.

  • Choose to sort differences either by Reading Order or by Difference Type.

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 21.25.27.png
  • Sorting by Reading Order displays differences by following the order of their location in the documents.

  • Sorting by Difference Type displays the differences in alphabetical order (of the difference types).


To filter Differences:

  • Click the 7. Filter icon.

  • Check/uncheck the Difference Types you want to see in the Difference List that is relevant to your inspection needs.

  • Check/uncheck the Select All to select/unselect all the difference types. All unchecked items will not be shown in the report.

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 21.27.26.png

Note: The number in parenthesis next to each Difference Type indicates the number of differences found.

Location type differences are not marked on new inspections, the difference type is available only on past inspections.

Difference Cards

Each 8. Difference Card contains the following information:

  • The Difference ID (1)

  • The Difference type (2)

  • The Flag False Positives (3) button

  • The Comment (4) icon

  • The Discard (5) icon

  • How differences (6) are displayed on the Source as opposed to the New file

  • Page number (7) of Source and New file (i.e P1 for Page 1, P2 for Page 2, etc.).


Navigating Through Grouped Differences

Regardless of the inspection you run, if the same difference is found on various areas of your file/s, the differences will be grouped together to help speed up the workflow. You will know how many differences have been grouped together by the number indicated beside the Difference type (2).

In the example below, two differences have been grouped together.

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When navigating a duplicated difference, click on the arrows in the New File to easily review all duplicates.

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Commenting on a Difference

You can leave a comment on any Difference Card by clicking on the Comment (4) icon Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 20.52.56.png.

To assign a comment to a difference:

  • Select the difference in the Difference List. Click the Comment icon Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 20.52.56.png on the top right corner of the Difference Card.

  • Add your comment inside the text field, and click Save to validate the change, or Cancel to discard.

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Note: When a comment is made on a difference, the Comment icon turns white.

Deleting and editing a Comment

To delete and/or edit a comment:

  • Click on the text field and clear or modify your existing comment. Click Save to validate the change or Cancel to discard.


Discarded List of Differences

To Discard a Difference:

  • Select the difference in the Difference List and click on the Discard icon on the top right corner of the Difference Card, as described above. The discarded difference will disappear from the list and move to the 9. Discarded section located at the top right corner of the Difference List.

  • Click on Discarded to view the list of discarded differences.

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Note: Discarded differences do not appear in the report.

To Restore a Difference:

  • Click on Discarded.

  • Select the discarded difference and click Restore on the top right of the Difference Card. The difference will be restored to the Difference List.

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  • If multiple differences are discarded, select Restore All to instantly restore all discarded differences.

Pro Tip: You can navigate through Difference Cards using your keyboard.

  • Use the ⬆️ and ⬇️ arrow keys to move up and down the Difference List

  • Add a comment by using CMD+M or CTRL+M

  • Discard a difference using CMD+D or CTRL+D

Text Content Differences

Text content differences are detected whenever a text on the Source file does not match the one on the New file.

These differences are all identified individually: Case, Space, Insertion, Deletion, Change, Soft Hyphen, and Line Break.

  • Case differences are detected whenever a letter/word on the Source file is a different case than on the New file.

  • Space differences are detected whenever a space exists in the Source file but not in the New file.

  • Deletion differences are detected whenever text exists in the Source file but not in the New file.

  • Insertion differences are detected whenever text exists in the New file but not in the Source file.

  • Change differences are detected whenever a text on the Source file does not match the one on the New file.

Change Differences

When a change difference is selected, a Change Grid appears on the bottom left corner, displaying which characters are different in red.

The Change Grid will show all Change differences in more detail in the small pop-up window.

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For Right-To-Left text, like Arabic or Hebrew, switch the Change grid reading order display accordingly.

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Reading Order

Reading Order differences are detected whenever text in the Source and New files have a different reading order detected by the application, i.e., there is a reading order flow change in between the two documents.

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Typical examples of Reading Order differences would be any text repositioning between the two documents i.e relocation of a paragraph/sentence, or reordering a bulleted/numbered list/table.

Video: Reading Order Change Detection

Text Formatting Differences

All text formatting differences are grouped together by difference type.

Font Size, Font Type, and Font Color differences are detected whenever text in the Source file has text with font type, font size, or font color that is different from the text in the New file.

This is important to point out because when one of these differences is picked up, the Difference Card will show the mismatch alongside their respective values at the bottom.

See screenshots below for examples of Font Size, Font Type, and Font Color Differences respectively.




Bold, Italic, Sub/Super, and Underline differences are detected whenever text in the Source file has text with different letter settings and design compared to the New file.

Soft Hyphen differences are detected whenever a hyphen was added when a word is split in half onto the next line in the New file but not in the Source file.

Line Break differences are detected whenever a line break was added within a word in the New file but not in the Source file.

Spell Check Results

When Running a Comparison Inspection

Spell Check results are detected when errors are found in the New file according to the language selected in the Prep stage.

When Running a Single File “Proofreader Mode” Inspection

Spell Check results are also detected when running Proofreader Mode and when errors are found in the file according to the language selected in the Prep stage.

The Difference Card will then show alternatives to the misspelled word that you can hover over to get a full list of suggestions.

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Suggest Additions to Dictionaries

You now have the ability to suggest additions to dictionaries by clicking on the Screenshot 2024-11-25 at 14.55.26.png sign in the Difference Card.

By clicking on the addition button, the application admin will be notified of the suggestion, which will appear for them as a pending request.

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Admins will be able to either accept or reject the suggested word. If accepted, they can allocate the word to a corresponding dictionary .

If a word has been suggested as an addition to a dictionary, those Difference Cards will be moved to the Discarded Tab and will not show in the report of inspection differences. They will also be marked with a Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 17.27.34.png indicating it is awaiting approval from an Admin.

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AI Spell Check

AI Spell Check is a smart spell check tool that’s powered by AI. When you run a Spell Check, the results will be automatically categorized into four types: abbreviations, proper nouns, alphanumeric words, and general spelling errors, allowing you to filter through and understand results more easily.

To view the AI Spell Check categories and to adjust your results accordingly, click on the filter or Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 19.25.29.png icon.


Smart Discard Pile

The Smart Discard pile are suggested words for your dictionary that help reduce your overall difference count.

If the software detects that a word is not an actual error, it will automatically discard the difference/s into the Discarded Tab and suggest that you add the word to a Custom Dictionary to help reduce false positives and your overall difference count.


Graphics Differences

Like all other difference types, when Graphics differences are detected, they will appear on Difference List as a Difference Card.

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Graphics differences are displayed inside red boxes on both the Source and New Files.

To view individual Graphics differences, click on the respective Difference Card you wish to inspect in the Difference List. The software will automatically zoom into the Source and New Files, flashing the Graphics difference in the New Panel.

See below how to view your Graphics Differences results


To turn off Difference Boxes, Overlay, and Graphics Flashing, click the settings icon or Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 19.58.12.png and switch the toggle buttons off.

Graphics inspections will be affected by the visibility of the spot colors that were applied during the prep stage (i.e., only visible spot colors are inspected).

Communicating Graphics Differences

Graphics differences can be communicated using Graphics Annotations.

An annotation can be added using the comment box or by clicking on the Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 20.02.24.png icon.

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Barcode and QR Code Results: Reading and Grading

When Barcode inspection is enabled, Verify will perform an automatic identification and grading of available barcodes and QR codes only in the New File.

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If no barcodes are detected on your files, a popup window will appear on the screen saying “No Barcodes found“.

Clicking on individual Difference Cards that you wish to inspect in the Difference List will zoom into the respective barcode or QR code.


The application will decode the value from the barcode or QR code automatically and show it in a pop-up window called Barcode Details.

The Barcode Details window can be expanded to show the barcode metadata when clicking the ^ button


Note: As mentioned previously, this inspection is performed solely on the New document.

Braille Reading and Grading

When Braille inspection is enabled, Verify will perform an automatic identification and grading of available Braille only in the New File.

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The decoded value will be shown as a card on the bottom of the screen titled Braille Details.

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In case no Braille elements are detected in a document, a popup window will appear on the screen saying “No Braille found“.

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