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Step 3: Viewing the Results

Once the preparation is done, following the instructions from Step 2: Preparing Files, the Results tab is automatically enabled, allowing the user to view the inspection results.

Reminder: The inspection process goes through three stages:

  • 1. Prep

  • 2. Results

  • 3. Report


Text Inspection

The fast text inspection solution is able to identify when there is a case when a difference only seems like a difference, but it’s of such small relevance that it’s not categorized as a difference, thus simplifying the review of the automated inspection result.

Content differences are shown with high level of granularity, by listing out the potential content-related differences:

  • Case

  • Space,

  • Insertion,

  • Deletion,

  • Change,

  • Soft Hyphen

  • Line Break.

Verify will place a deletion marker approximately in the region of the deletion. Users still have the ability to modify and approve the final location of the marker, but the system will assist in determining the exact location.

Difference List

The Difference List displays all the differences found when running an inspection.



The Results tab indicates how many differences have been found during an inspection.


To Sort Differences:

  • Click the 5. Sort icon.

  • Choose to sort differences either by Reading Order or by Difference Type.

  • Sorting by Reading Order displays differences by following the order of their location in the documents

  • Sorting by Difference Type displays the differences in alphabetical order (of the difference types).


To filter Differences:

  • Click the 6. Filter icon.

  • Check/uncheck the Difference Types you want to see in the Difference List that is relevant to your inspection needs.

  • Check/uncheck the Select All to select/unselect all the difference types. All unchecked items will not be showing in the report.


Note: The number in parenthesis next to each Difference Type indicates the number of differences found.

Location type differences are not marked on new inspections, the difference type is available only on past inspections.

Discarded list of differences

To Discard a difference:

  • Select the difference in the Difference List and click on the 7. Discard icon on the top right corner of the Difference Card (explained shortly). The discarded difference will disappear from the list and move to the Discarded section located at the top right corner of the Difference List.

  • Click on Discarded to view the list of discarded differences.

  • Click Back to return to the Difference List.

Note: Discarded differences do not appear in the report.

To restore a difference:

  • Click on Discarded.

  • Select the difference and click Restore on the top right of the Difference Card. The difference will be restored to the Difference List.

  • If multiple differences are discarded, select Restore All to instantly restore all discarded differences.

Difference cards

Each 8. Difference Card contains the following information:

The Difference ID1 and the Difference type2 in the top left corner and the Comment3 and Discard4 icons in the top right corner.

The differences5 are also displayed as they appear in the Source and New file with page number6 indicated at the bottom respectively (i.e P1 for Page 1, P2 for Page 2, etc.).

Interpreting Certain Difference Types

Text specific Difference types

Text differences are detected whenever a text on the Source file does not match the one on the New file.

These differences can be of different kind and are all identified individually: Case, Space, Insertion, Deletion, Change, Soft Hyphen, and Line Break.

Case differences are detected whenever a letter/word on the Source file is different case than on the New file.

Space differences are detected whenever a space exists in the Source file but not in the New file.

Deletion differences are detected whenever text exists in the Source file but not in the New file.

Insertion differences are detected whenever text exists in the New file but not in the Source file.

Soft Hyphen differences are detected whenever a hypen was added when a word is split in half onto the next line in the New file but not in the Source file.

Line Break differences are detected whenever a line break was added within a word in the New file but not in the Source file.

Change differences are detected whenever a text on the Source file does not match the one on the New file.

These difference types used to be contained under the Content different type.

Change differences

When a change difference is highlighted, a Change Grid appears on the bottom left corner, displaying which characters are different in red. The Change Grid can be toggled on and off when the Change difference is selected from the list.

The Change Grid will show all Change differences in more details in the small pop-up window.

For Right-To-Left text, switch the Change grid reading order display accordingly.

Reading order differences are detected whenever text in the Source and Sample files have a different reading order by the application, whereas there is a reading order flow change in between the two documents.

Typical examples would be any text repositioning between the two documents i.e relocation of a paragraph/sentence, or reordering a bulleted/numbered list/table.

Font Size, Font Type, and Color: Font Size, Font Type, and Color differences are detected whenever text in the Source file has text with font type, font size, or font color that is different from the text in the New file.

This is important to point out because when one of these differences is picked up, the Difference Card will show the mismatch alongside their respective values at the bottom. See screenshots below for examples of Font Size, Font Type, and Color Differences respectively.

Spelling Differences: Spelling differences are detected when errors exist on the New file according to the language selected in the Prep stage. Spelling differences are added to the Difference List only when Enable Spell Check is turned on.

The Difference Card will then show alternatives to the misspelled word that the user can hover over to get the full list of suggestions.


Suggest Additions to Dictionaries

Users now have the possibility of suggest additions to dictionaries by clicking on the small + sign.


By clicking on the addition button, the application admin will be notified of the suggestion, which will appear for them as a pending request.

Admins will be able to allocate the corresponding dictionary once the suggestion has been made, which they will then either accept or reject.

Suggested difference cards will be moved to the Discarded items, and will not show in the report of inspection differences. Similarly, if a suggestion had already been made for a difference, it will be marked with a (tick) for subsequent inspections.

  • image-20240122-232758.png

Graphics Differences: Graphics differences are detected only when Zone Graphics or Full Page Graphic Compare are used. Differences appear as a flashing image inside a red box as an overlay, automatically toggling between the Source and New file, displayed in the New panel.

Side-by-side view of how the Flash looks like in the New panel.

c Compare

Graphics inspection will be affected by visibility on the spot colors that were applied during the preparation of the inspected files (meaning that only visible spot colors are inspected).

Communicating Graphics Differences

Graphics differences can be further broken down using Graphics Annotations. The Graphics differences that were identified by the application automatically are marked as Auto graphic annotation.

The annotation can be then customized by changing the comment.

It is also possible to create manual Graphics Annotations, these will be marked as Manual graphic annotations.

  • Click and drag the cursor within the Graphics difference around the area that needs to be specified.

  • Add a comment.

Annotations within the same selected area are bundled together on the left side panel.

Each selected annotation will be zoomed in on the right side. The annotations within the graphics bundle will be numbered, showing the number of the difference with the number of total differences within the group.

To edit a Graphics Annotation, click on the bubble and the comment field will become active to enable modifications. To delete the annotation, click on the little trash can on the right and it will be deleted.

Scaling Graphics Inspection Differences

  • Once the inspection is run, the differences will be listed on the left as already illustrated above.

  • The differences will be flashing as per graphical differences, with a turquoise rectangle around the selected sample graphical zone.

Barcode Differences - Identification and Grading

When Barcodes inspection is enabled, Verify will perform an automatic identification and grading of available barcodes in the New/Sample document.

In case no barcodes are available in a document, a popup window will appear on the screen saying “No Barcodes found“.

When the user clicks on the difference, the right panel showing the New document will zoom in on the inspected barcode.


The application will decode the value from the barcode automatically and show it in a pop-up window called Barcode Details.

The Barcode Details window can be expanded to show the barcode metadata when clicking the ^ button


Note: As mentioned previously, this inspection is performed solely on the New/Sample document.

Braille Identification and Grading

When Braille inspection is enabled, Verify will perform an automatic identification and grading of available barcodes in the New/Sample document.

In case no Braille elements are available in a document, a popup window will appear on the screen saying “No Braille found“.

Selecting Difference

To Select a difference:

  • Click on the Difference Card in the Difference List.

  • A red vertical line gets added on the left side of the Difference Card

  • The teal dot disappears from the top left corner of the Difference Card indicating that the difference has been looked at

  • The red box of the selected difference becomes thicker on both the Source and New panel.

Navigating through Grouped differences

Some instances show differences grouped together to help speed up the workflow. When navigating a duplicated difference, arrows can be used to easily review all duplicates.


Commenting on a Difference

To assign a comment to a difference:

  • Select the difference in the Difference List. Click the Comment box on the top right corner of the Difference Card.

  • Add your comment inside the text field, and click Save to validate the change, or Cancel to discard.

Note: When a comment is made on a difference, the Comment icon turns white.

Deleting/editing a Comment

To delete/edit a comment:

  • Click on the ‘white’ Comment icon of a difference from the Difference List.

  • Clear or modify your existing comment, and click Save to validate the change, or Cancel to discard.

File Annotations

When the uploaded Source file has pre-saved annotations, additional Annotation difference cards get added to the Results' difference list after running an inspection.

The user can then verify if the change pointed out in the annotation has taken place, if not, the user can add it:

  • Click and drag the cursor within the annotation area on the New file.

  • Add a comment.

Canceling Inspection

To cancel an Inspection:

  • Click on the Cancel button while an inspection is running.

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