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Step 1: Loading Files

Video: How To Load Files

Loading Your Files

Verify allows you to run two different types of inspections. They are:

  • Comparison: Compare two files to find the differences between the two.

  • Single File Inspections (Proofreader): Perform an inspection of a single file.


To begin, in the top panel, click Comparison.

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To initiate a Comparison, upload files in both the 1. Source and 2. New panels.

Start a New Session

To start a new session, you must load files using one of the following 3 methods:

  • 3. Drag and Drop

  • 4. Load files from the Library

  • 5. Load files from a File Browser


Note: File types that are supported include:



  • PDF


  • XML (new XML upload support, refer to section below for more details) - including SPL format support

  • PNG

  • JPG

  • JPEG

  • TIFF files

  • AI (in compatibility mode)

Note: All methods apply for both the Source and New panels

3. Drag and Drop

Load any file by dragging it from your chosen file storage location and releasing it in the Source and/or New panel.

  • Click on the file you wish to upload

  • Drag the file into the desired panel

  • Release the file

Once a file has been released in the appropriate panel, it will begin uploading and rendering.


4. Library

Reload a previously uploaded file from the Library.

  • Click on Open Library or the Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 10.58.29.png button

  • Select the file you wish to upload under Recent Files

    • The file will load once selected.

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Note: For easier navigation in the file finder, file types will show as different icons, as seen in the image above.

If you select the wrong file, click the X at the top right corner of the Source and/or New panel. You will then return to the Library page where you can select another file.

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5. File Browser

Upload a new file in the Source and/or New panel through File Browser.

  • Click Browse File(s) in the chosen panel

  • Select the file you wish to upload

  • Click Open (or double click the desired file)

Uploading XML Files

XML file support was introduced with the Verify 2023.5 release, which provides a much more user-friendly experience when dealing with these files.

When uploading an XML file, Verify will create a PDF based on the tags available in the raw file. The newly created PDF can then be prepared for inspection as any other document.

Video: XML File Support

Single File Inspection in Proofreader Mode

It is possible to initiate a Single File Inspection through Proofreader Mode rather than performing a comparison of two files.

To begin, in the top panel, click Proofreader.

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Start a New Session

Much like with a Comparison, to start a new session in Proofreader Mode, you must load files using one of the following 3 methods:

  • Drag and Drop

  • Load files from Library

  • Load files from a File Browser


Once your file is successfully uploaded, you may perform Spell Checks, Barcode and QR Code, and/or Braille Inspections.

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Proofreader Mode currently allows Spell Check, Barcode, and Braille Inspections

Layer & Spot Color Controls and Page Selection are also available for you to refine your inspection.

Video: Single File Inspection

Naming Your Session
You have the ability to name your Sessions. To do so:

  • Click on the Project text field in the top panel

  • Enter the desired name

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Note: If you choose not to provide a name, the default name of your session will be the name of your New File.

For example, if your New File is named “Carton-Sample-File,” this will be the default name of your session.

Loading Recent Sessions

Reloading a recent session will display previously initiated or completed inspections.

  • Click one of the sessions listed under Recent Sessions

    • The session will load the way it was before closing

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Multi-File Upload

In both Comparison and Proofreader Inspections, it is possible to upload more than one file for inspection, where all the uploaded files are merged into a single file for comparison.

To do so, when uploading files, choose more than one file when browsing.

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When all required files are selected, Verify will upload and merge the files.

You will then be able to reorder (1) the files as desired, and - in case of a mistake - delete (2) the file/s selected for inspection and exchange them for another file.

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The application will then show the last accepted order of the files for inspection.

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Once the order is accepted, the files are merged for inspection. The naming convention of the files will show that they contains multiple files. It will also highlight the number of merged files and insert the file name of the first file in the order.

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Naming convention: multiplefiles - Number of files_name of the first file.

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If running a Comparison Inspection, repeat the steps above in the New Panel, choosing the files and setting their order (ideally in the same order as the Source files).

Once your files are accepted and uploaded, the files are ready for inspection.

No more than 10 files can be uploaded for one inspection. In case the number of files exceeds 10, an error message will pop up.

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JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.