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Release date: 25th October 2023

Verify 2023.5 introduces several new features as well as user experience improvements.

New features include:

  • The ability to upload and inspect a single file (Proofreader Mode)

  • Braille inspection in 44 languages

  • Reading order change detection

Previously called ‘location differences’, this feature captures the movement of blocks of text from one location to another.

  • Complete XML file support including stylesheets

User experience improvements include:

  • Automatic detection of all Graphic differences

  • Verify now remembers the last spelling dictionary used and selects it for the next inspection,

  • Improved Optical Character Recognition (OCR) detection of flattened text

  • Language detection is now done automatically on the backend; the option to select a ‘reading direction’ in the prep stage has therefore been removed.

Bug Fixes

  • Word documents that were getting stuck at the 100% loading point now fully and successfully load,

  • Font size, type, and color differences are now automatically filtered out when comparing a Word to PDF file,

  • Reports from inspections which had 0 results are now successfully being generated,

  • The details about errors detected by a spell check are now being properly displayed in the details column of the appended summary report generated post-inspection.

Known Issues

  • Clicking on the difference box of a ‘grouped difference’ on the new document panel does not select the difference card in the results panel

  • Appended summary reports do not contain page numbers

  • File names with Asian characters are not properly rendered in the Summary Report

  • Live text highlight is not rendered on the new file panel when in the Results Stage when viewing Graphics changes in flash mode

  • Manual Graphic Zone creation is slightly offset

  • Single-file (Proofreader Mode) inspections can't be re-named

  • For OCR Focus Group users only: The name of files to which OCR has been applied do not appear with the “OCR” prefix in the library

  • Page Selection feature with Page Range shows "undefined” as the default value

  • Multi-file upload page shows "NaN" value when indexing the files, instead of showing the total number of uploaded files.


  • Visit the User Guide for detailed instructions on how to use Verify.

  • Visit our Status Page for live status updates and click on the bell icon to sign up for email notifications.

  • Contact for any questions or troubleshooting while using Verify.

  • If you’re not using Verify yet, fill out this form to get a personalized demo.

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