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Step 1: Scan Your Physical Samples

You have the option to scan a physical document into GVD. To initiate scanning in either the Master or Sample panel:

  • Click on the Load from Scanner icon located on the top panel, then Select Source. Choose the appropriate scanner from the Scanner Selection window and then click on Select.


  • Click on Load from Scanner and choose Scan Master to scan the Master document. Once scanned, the image will be loaded into the Master panel. Then, click on Load from Scanner and opt for Scan Sample to scan the Sample document. After scanning, the image will be loaded into the Sample panel.


  • Click on the scanner icon within the Master or Sample panel.

Here are some additional recommendations to enhance your scanning experience:

  • Be cautious of 'bleeding' in scanned samples, which occurs when the sample is thin and has printing on both sides (e.g., thin inserts, plastic labels with double-sided printing).

  • Bleeding can lead to an increase in the difference count within larger difference boxes.

  • To prevent bleeding, adjust the scanner settings by modifying Contrast, Brightness, White Point, and Black Point levels.

  • For samples with a foil and metallic finish, use the mylar side of the sleeve to reduce reflection.

  • Ensure that all files intended for inspection have the same DPI. Re-scan documents with a different DPI for inspection purposes, if needed.

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