Proofware 2.0.0 Release Notes
Release date: 15 Jan. 2016
Redesigned interface including new icons.
Notes files are displayed separately and grouped under “My Files”.
Report files are grouped together by the Sample name under “My Projects”.
Upload to Notes, Delete, and Download icons are displayed for each group of reports.
Proofware Home link is visible on the top of all pages for ease of access.
The Options panel for all apps slides out only when clicked.
Ability to download the annotated Sample Report only.
New email format for the Inspection Report emails sent to the user.
Ability to remove/ hide layers that interfere with the inspection.
Improved cropping: Abilities to re-size the crop area, crop multiple pages, pages of all sizes, and to the trim box automatically.
Faster loading time.
User Password Expiry Date is visible to the Administrator on the interface.
All report date formats are listed as DD-MM-YYY.
Re-designed FAQs for easy access to information.
Support for AI files.
Support for concurrent licensing.
Support for Server 2012.
Graphics Inspection Updates:
Ability to select dielines from the layers and/ or separations.
Ability to view color separations using the "Edit Content" icon.
Ability to inspect repeats.
Ability to decode barcodes.
Ability to verify Braille.
Ability to maximize the Flash window.
Added a mask for the image in the Flash window.
Ability to inspect all pages of multi-page documents.
Ability to crop all, odd, even pages automatically.
Ability to review changes and call-outs using the Annotation Checklist.
Text Inspection Updates:
Ability to review changes and call-outs using the Annotation Checklist.
Ability to automatically inspect QRD templates.
Ability to detect soft-hyphen differences.
Ability to detect line-break differences.
Ability to detect revision text below the specified threshold (minimum-font-size logic).
Ability to compare embedded images.
Ability to decode barcodes.
Ability to verify Braille
Ability to create zones in the Master and Sample files to map the areas for comparison.
Ability to create table zones to map tables for comparison.
Ability to inspect rotated tables.
Ability to re-sync false positives
Ability to correct the display of corrupt characters in the Difference Grid.
Ability to navigate differences using the up/ down arrows on the keyboard.
New color-coded Difference List and addition of tool tips to facilitate review.
Function keys (F1 to F4) available to input default levels while proofing.
Space bar available to move through the default comments while proofing.
Ability to view the inspectable text and numbers highlighted in red while viewing the inspection report in the report panel.
Ability to select text and get the word count.
Ability to select text and view the Unicode values.
Spelling Inspection Updates:
Improved language dictionaries.
Added new dictionaries: Greek and Serbian (Cyrillic).
Braille Inspection Updates:
New inspection-report format.
Barcode Inspection Updates:
Improved grading logic.
Improved detection logic
Barcodes are color-coded based on verification-grade colors.
New inspection report format.
Notes Updates:
Ability to send files to other users for approval.
Bug Fixes
Ability to load PDF files that contain internal content-security settings (e.g. page extraction).
Partial selection (i.e., underlines, cross-outs, crops, etc.) is retained when files are re-loaded after an inspection.
"Include Master File" in Report options is consistent throughout the apps.
Micro character "µ" is visible in PDF files (all apps).
Braille layer removed properly (all apps).
Graphical elements within a layer are no longer displayed when the layer is hidden.
Valid message (not exception error) displays when attempting to download a failed report.
Valid message (not exception error) displays when the current internet browser is not supported.
Valid message (not exception error) displays when updating/ creating user without selecting any app.
Valid message (not exception error) displays when system is in maintenance mode.
Status is not changed when “forgot your password” is activated.
User only has to reset their password once when their password expires (i.e., does not depend on when the password expired).
Account Status becomes inactive for an expired user account
Three audit trail events with status = "Invalid username and/or password" are logged after three invalid attempts.
Audit trail event is not duplicated when users clicks "Share" on report page.
Error not generated for small files less than 5 MB (these files do not require compression to optimize the speed).
"Proofware" is displayed in the Application column for all auto-timeout events (not the ‘app name’).
Graphics Inspection Bug Fixes:
Page is not rotated after cropping (file specific).
Changed cropping mode options to Full Page, Trim, and Shape.
Red Difference boxes are placed correctly over the differences (file specific).
Double entries for the report on the main page are not logged when the user launches a report, reloads the same files, and then generates an inspection.
Layers are removed properly (file specific).
Ability to display large master/ sample images correctly.
Blue error boxes in the thumbnails in the detailed inspection report are closed completely.
Text Inspection Bug Fixes:
Improved subscript-superscript detection precision, resulting in more sub/ super differences being detected.
Decreased number of invalid font-type differences detected.
Decreased number of invalid bold differences detected.
Decreased number of invalid space differences with vertical text.
Improved synchronization for files with repetitive text and files with tables.
Improved reading order correction logic to reduce mismatched text and sync issues.
New and improved code to verify the match strength (i.e., false-positives removal routines).
New match recuperation algorithm when analyzing the comparison results during the false-positives removal step.
Improved results for Right-to-Left inspections due to new and improved logic and additional equivalencies on the server.
Italic words no longer missing when displayed on the screen (sample specific).
Hyphens no longer missing when displayed on the screen (sample specific).
Font not changing to italic for underlined words when displayed on the screen (sample specific).
Italic words not changing to regular non-italicized text (sample specific).
Footers in PDF files are displayed (sample specific).
Stability improvements with respect to inspections with many differences.
Proper message displays when files have no live text.
Cross-outs and underlines are performed by area and are correctly placed on all pages.
Files are displayed properly in both panels before and after inspection (file specific).
Ability to display the complete file name in the tool tip when multiple files are loaded.
Image and text properly displays with the correct colors (sample specific).
Sample difference remains highlighted after Difference List is closed.
Spelling Inspection Bug Fixes:
Stability improvements with respect to inspections with many spelling errors.
Proper message displays when files have no live text.
Cross-outs and underlines are performed by area and are correctly placed on all pages.
Order of languages (Irish, Italian) in Language(s) option corrected.
Exact same text string is displayed in the report and in the Difference List.
Braille Inspection Bug Fixes:
Page is not rotated after cropping Braille Region (file specific).
Inspection date reflects the date the report was downloaded.
Two Braille regions are not being merged into one (file specific).
Ability to detect small Braille regions (i.e., ones that contain less than 10 Braille dots).
Inspection reports are compressed.
Ability to generate an inspection report even though no Braille regions are detected.
Hungarian letter "X" translated.
Lithuanian Braille characters translated correctly (specific file).
License-activation process updated.
Barcode Inspection Bug Fixes:
Page is not rotated after cropping Barcode (file specific).
Inspection date reflects the date the report was downloaded.
Decoded value, type, and grade are displayed in the Barcode Information column on the inspection report.
Data Matrix barcode type description formatted correctly
Elements in the layer are not displayed when the layer is disabled
UPC-E barcode decode value displays properly without leading zeroes.
Invalid phantom Pharma codes are not detected.
Ability to generate an inspection report even though no barcodes are detected.
Ability to display non-displayable characters (i.e., line-break spaces are displayed as □’s).
Page-numbering format in the inspection report is "Page X of X".
License-activation process updated.
Notes Bug Fixes:
File name displays in Notes inspection report email.
Notification email is received by both logged-in user and manually-entered user.