DocuProof 3.1.0 Release Notes
Release date: 30 Apr. 2015
User interface, messages and tool tips available in the following localized languages: French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese (Simplified).
Ability to group duplicate differences
Ability to drag and drop files into the main interface for loading.
Ability to differentiate between hard and soft hyphens.
Ability to ignore soft hyphens and line-break differences.
Asian language processing option modified so it is easier to select the required option.
Time zone displayed as part of the date format (reports and Audit Trail).
New and improved language dictionaries (Spellcheck).
Ability to verify the font size of revision text below the specified threshold.
Ability to display all Microsoft Excel sheets included in a workbook.
Bug Fixes
Improved XML handling resulting in display of files with proper consistent formatting: ability to load files that reference Food and Drug Administration style sheets, ability to detect sub/ superscript differences, reduced number of invalid size differences.
Optimized comparison-results sorting algorithm resulting in less delay when displaying the results.
Improved right-to-left inspection logic including ability to detect underline differences.
Improved character mapping logic so that characters are displayed correctly in the Difference Grid (integration of Ghost script functionality).
Decreased number of invalid font-type differences detected.
Decreased number of invalid bold differences detected.
Decreased number of invalid space differences with vertical text.
Improved synchronization for files with repetitive text and files with tables.
Improved line-break space/ hyphen logic to decrease false positives.
Improved find and compare and template-matching logic including ability to find matches where the punctuation is different.
Improved reading order correction logic to reduce mismatched text and sync issues.
New and improved code to verify the match strength (i.e., false-positives removal routines).
New match-recuperation algorithm when analyzing the comparison results during the false-positives removal step.
Words with single and double quotes no longer added as separate words to User Dictionary.
Spelling differences correctly sorted by word order in Revision document.
Brown line-break indicator is displayed for all line-break differences in the Change Grid.
Line-break differences more accurately categorized, i.e., detected at a single word level (new category, “Single word line-break difference”).
Character equivalency (in the INI file) now saved with project file.
Characters displayed properly (not Asian) in the body of the email sent from Synergy Administration and DocuProof (specific scenario).
Projects are correctly loaded and/ or saved when a project saved in one language is opened by the application using another language.
Added new Serbian (Cyrillic) dictionary.
Added improved Greek dictionary.
Ability to open the DocuProof Enterprise and Synergy Administration user guide at the same time.
Font names displayed correctly in C, CPP, H files.