DocuProof 3.0.0 Release Notes
Release date: 26 Jul. 2013
Ability to zoom in at a higher magnification for documents with small font sizes.
Double-clicking on grid zooms in to appropriate size regardless of file size.
Faster response time when browsing through the Difference Grid.
Faster response time when modifying the filters in the Inspection Results Summary.
Characters in Change Grid are matched and synchronized to easily locate the difference(s).
Ability to scroll through the characters in the Change Grid for longer differences (Up to 400 characters).
New Global Vision logo and splash screen.
Title bar colors match the Original and Revision panel colors.
Re-design of the Inspection Results Summary panel.
Display of the Global Vision Serial number (or Product Key) in the About screen.
Improved comparison speed.
Support for templates (specifically QRD).
Improved comparison logic to handle Right-to-Left languages.
Right-to-Left characters displayed properly in the Difference and Change grids.
Ability to select right-to-left text for partial inspection.
Support for overprint preview.
Ideal reading order correction level now selected based on loaded files.
Reading order correction level displays in the Inspection Results Summary panel.
New option to automatically remove headers/ footers from Microsoft Word documents.
Improved spellcheck dictionaries for European languages.
Updated Medical Dictionary (English).
Ability to double-click on the Original/ Revision panels to load the files.
Addition of a confirmation message when clearing comparison results.
Ability to launch Global Vision remote support session via Help menu.
Ability to automatically reload the files after File Loading Advanced setting is modified.
Bug Fixes
Improved reading order algorithm to better synchronize documents.
Improved location-difference detection with high reading-order correction level.
Improved hyphen difference classification for specific files.
Improved synchronization logic for insertions/ deletions.
Improved underline-detection logic.
Improved detection of bold and sub/ super differences.
Improved spacing logic.
Improved “Find and Compare” algorithm.
New font-embedding logic to display fonts correctly in Word documents.
Ability to select text regardless of internal text orientation.
User no longer prompted to clear the inspection if the Clear Inspection icon is clicked after file loading.
Partial selections are cleared if performed prior to the inclusion of pages.
User not required to restart the application after modifying a setting in the INI file.
All partial selections remain after inspection results are cleared allowing for another inspection (find and compare).
The Asian fonts list refreshed correctly with all Asian fonts added.
Adjusted margin settings for XML documents to resolve truncated words.
Annotations (yellow sticky notes) appear correctly in the Comparison report.
Header now displayed in the second page of Summary report.