Creating Custom Report Headers to Add Company Logos for GVD V5.11 and up
A logo can be added to the report provided the following settings are met:
File is of PNG format
Image must be exactly 2550 x 275 pixels
Filenames must follow a specific format (see naming convention below)
Navigate to the file path c:\Program Files\Global Vision\[Select version folder]
Examples: For GVD V5.11, the file path is C:\Program Files\GlobalVision\ a folder “Image”
Create a folder inside Image, “ReportHeaders”
File path for custom report headers should be,c:\Program Files\Global Vision\[Select version folder]\Image\ReportHeaders
Example: For GVD V5.11, the file path is C:\Program Files\GlobalVision\\Image\ReportHeadersUse the naming convention as seen below to add custom headers to inspection reports
Naming Convention
GraphicsHeader.png | Will display in Graphics inspection reports |
BarcodeHeader.png | Will display in Barcode inspection reports |
BrailleHeader.png | Will display in Braille inspection reports |
TextHeader.png | Will display in Text inspection reports |
SpellHeader.png | Will display in Spelling inspection reports |
ColorHeader.png | Will display in Color inspection reports |
6. The custom headers will automatically apply at the first launch of the GVD application after creating the appropriate folders and png files.
Please feel free to email if you have any additional questions. We are happy to help!