Braille Inspection - Step-By-Step
This section describes the steps to follow when running a Braille inspection.
Step 1: Load Master Files for Braille Translation
Note: Users can skip to Step 2 for Sample Inspection.

To inspect a file in the Master panel:
Click on the File Menu icon on the top panel → then click Load Master or click in the Master panel to select the file to load. The Master image loads in the Master panel.
You can also load a file by using "drag and drop."
If the file is a PDF:
The integrated PDF Options Panel displays.
Prepare the Master image using the PDF Options Panel tools, if required.
If a file has multiple pages, ensure the one with the Braille regions displays prior to the inspection.
Step 2: Scan Sample Files for Braille Inspection
Note: Users can skip Step 3 for comparison.
To inspect a file in the Sample panel:
Ensure Show Scanner Interface is checked on in the Preferences window.
Click on Load from Scanner → then click Select Source.

Select the applicable scanner from the Scanner Selection window and click Select.

Note: It is recommended to select Calibrate Scanner before making your first scan and whenever the device has been calibrated independently of the system. Restart the Application for the Calibrate Scanner (Braille) option to appear at the bottom of the same menu.
Place the front side of the sample on the scanner. Click on Load from Scanner → then click Scan Sample. The Sample image loads in the Sample panel.
Step 3: Load/Scan Files for Braille Compare
Note: Users can skip to Step 4 if Files are already loaded/scanned.
To Load file for comparison:
Click on the File Menu icon on the top panel → then click Load Master or click in the Master panel to select the file to be loaded. The Master image loads in the Master panel.
If the file is a PDF:
The integrated PDF Options Panel displays.
Prepare the Master image using the PDF Options Panel tools, if required.
If the file has multiple pages, right-click on the Master page featuring the Braille regions in the
Again click the File Menu icon on the top panel → then click Load Sample or click in the Sample panel to start repeating the process to load the Sample file.
Step 4: Select an Action

To translate a master file:
Click on Action → then select Translate Master.
To inspect a Braille sample file:
Click on Action → then select Inspect Braille Sample.
To compare Braille regions on a digital master to their counterparts on the backside of a Braille scan:
Click on Action → then select Compare PDF to Scan (Backside).
To compare Braille regions on a digital master to their counterparts on the frontside of a Braille scan:
Click on Action → then select Compare PDF to Scan (Frontside).
The settings for each action can be browsed by clicking Action → Settings.
Individual settings may be modified by users with administrative privileges, while additional actions can also be created. For more information see our Administration Guide.
Step 5: Select Language

Click the Profile drop-down menu to access the Application’s library of available languages. Select the language that best suits your inspection needs from the drop-down menu.
Step 6: Run the Inspection
Click for the results to display in the Inspection View.

Step 7: View the Results
To view the inspected file:
To review the difference list navigate through them using either keyboard arrows or by clicking on each difference.
Use the trackwheel to zoom in or out.
Hold the left mouse button and move it around to pan the image.
Step 8: Review and Proof Differences
Step 9: Modifying/Resetting Inspection Results
Step 10: Generate the Report
Click the Report icon.