Report Generation
The following section describes the steps involved with generating a report, which is the culmination of the inspection process. The Report button only appears after an inspection has been completed.
Note: Multiple inspections can be combined into one report. Whatever inspections have been run and have not been specifically excluded appear in the generated PDF.
Report Generation
Generate a report

Click Report. The Report Options window displays. Fill in the Report Options window where applicable.
Note: The Inspected By field is pre-populated with the user name and no modifications are allowed. All other fields, except Status, which must be modified from the Select Status default, are optional.
Report Options | Action |
Product ID | Enter the Product ID; The Report File Name below automatically reflects the entered value |
Product Name | Enter the Product Name |
Inspected By | No action required; The field is automatically populated with the name of the user who performed the inspection |
Status | Select Pass/Fail (required) |
Product Lot | Enter the Lot Number; The Report File Name below automatically reflects the entered value |
Levels to Include | Only differences with levels matching selection(s) are included in report; Does not appear if "Force inclusion of all differences" has been selected by an administrator |
Only Pages/Repeats with differences | Check to include only the pages or the repeats that have at least one difference |
Master | Check to include the Master image (where applicable) |
Signature field | Check to include the signature field (Performed By, Reviewed By fields) in the report; Automatically included when the licensed option to Enable Electronic Signatures in the Settings window has been selected by an administrator |
Thumbnails | Check to include thumbnails of each difference (Graphics, Text, and Spelling Inspection only) |
Report Path | Select where the report gets saved |
Report File Name | Set the name of the report to be saved |
PDF Attachment | Browse for and attach a PDF to the report |
Comments | Enter general comments to be included in the report |
Click Save & View or Save.
Click on either Pass or Fail to set the inspection status.
Click Cancel to return to the Report Options window.
If the licensed option to Enable Electronic Signatures has been checked by the administrator in the Settings window (via the Menu), the Electronic Signature window displays.
In case Save had been selected in the Report Options window, the report is saved in the selected (or default) report path.
In case Save & View had been selected, the report saves in the selected (or default) report path and displays in the default PDF reader. All inspections are included in the report (if applicable).
Fill in the User Name and Password fields (as you would log in) and click Sign. Or, click Cancel to return to the Report Options window.
Include Inspections in Report
The Application lets you rename inspections and/or exclude them from the report. This option is available under the Inspections panel.
Rename the inspection:
Right-click on the inspection name in the Inspections panel. Click Rename.
Enter the desired name and click OK. The new name displays in the Inspections panel.
Exclude the inspection from the report:
Right-click on the inspection name in the Inspections panel. Click Exclude from the report.
The inspection name gets crossed out in the Inspection Panel. The inspection is not included in the next generated report.