5.8.2 PC
Release Date: 18th December 2020
GlobalVision Desktop PC Version 5.8.2 is a PC release. The purpose of that release was to provide better stability for GVD making it more efficient. This build mostly focuses on Bug fixes, rather than the addition of any big feature, to ensure better stability and increased usability for the user.
New Features
Users now have the ability to launch GVD with the same language used while installing the application.
Users now have the ability to select multiple pages as well as multiple inspections at once.
Users now have the ability to send crash reports also to update the attached error message.
New application style sheet with improvements to UI including icons, checkboxes, etc.
Text Grouping- Users can group identical differences in text inspection.
New Text Profiles - Default, QRD, Text to Artwork.
Installer Update- Improved and efficient connectivity.
RTL Unicode exemption changes.
Bug Fixes
Fixed - Short-cut key for ‘Reset’ does not work.
Fixed - Image viewing issues.
Fixed - Incorrect Text display with other languages.
Fixed - Wrong human-readable values displayed for certain Barcodes.
Fixed - Issues with word detection.
Fixed - Graphics Tooltips issues.
Fixed - Text Inspection issues while loading files from the drive.
To upgrade to GlobalVision Desktop PC please contact: