5.7.0 PC
Release date: 13 Sep. 2019
GlobalVision Desktop 5.7.0 is a validated PC release, with new features that span every inspection mode.
Barcode Inspection support has been expanded to now include packaging enhanced by Digimarc, while Braille Inspection users can now measure the height of dots. Additional Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Measurement Tools help round out the release.
Ability to verify information on packaging imperceptibly enhanced with Digimarc Barcode proprietary technology.
Support for GS1 Databar composite barcodes.
New Measurement Tools, enabling ruled lines or rectangles to be drawn on masters and/ or samples to determine and compare the size of artwork elements.
New Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to inspect spelling on files without live text (scans).
Ability to scan frontside Braille and measure dot height.
New Backup feature to export and import database files.
Option to migrate data from MySQL to PostgreSQL Database Management System.
Bug Fixes
Cross-out Text and Underline Text functionalities added back to Spelling Inspection.
Enhanced Text Inspection logic.
Lasso selection tool now lets users reset shape and start again.
Color Library moved from Color Inspector window to the Preferences window.
Updated various tooltips/ error and warning messages.
To upgrade to GlobalVision Desktop 5.7.0, please contact support@globalvisioninc.com.