5.3.0 PC
Release date: 20 Nov. 2018
GlobalVision Desktop 5.3.0 is a non-validated general-maintenance PC release with several new features and bug fixes, a focus having been placed on improving the Application's user-friendliness to a greater degree.
Search functionality added to Text Inspection to show potential Sample matches to selections in Master when creating zones or resynching differences.
Point to Point action added to Color Inspection Mode, so users can choose the specific points in the Sample to compare to each point selected on Master.
Color Picker window redesigned.
Ability to replace the value of a selected point with an alternative, prior to a color inspection.
Users can be "locked out" after failing to use proper log-in credentials a predetermined amount of times (default of 10 attempts).
Locked-out users can now regain access to the Application by waiting for the configurable lockout period to end (default of 15 minutes) or by contacting their administrator.
Users can now recover passwords via email notification.
Users get password-expiry warnings 30, 15, 7, and 3 days ahead of time.
Temporary passwords are generated by the Application instead of an administrator.
Email notifications from a configurable address can be sent through the Application.
Administrators can activate or de-activate multiple user accounts at once using Batch mode.
USPS barcode support in Barcode Inspection Mode.
French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese, Korean, and Japanese translations of Application added.
Single users can no longer both e-sign and approve a given inspection report.
Reports requiring approval via e-signature now displayed prominently in Audit Trail.
Redesigned menus and icons.
Greater accessibility to shortcuts, which are now displayed in menus, tooltips, and a new reference guide.
Users can now pan by clicking SPACEBAR and moving the mouse.
Infinitton keypad support as an alternative control option.
Bug Fixes
Detected insertions and deletions during text inspections are now displayed more clearly, in the corresponding panel only.
Inspection reports now display selected Color Inspection action, when applicable.
To upgrade to GlobalVision Desktop 5.3.0, please contact support@globalvisioninc.com.