5.12.0 PC
Release Date: Dec 5, 2022
GVD 5.12 release focuses on introducing UI design changes with new functionalities for both users and administrators of GVD. The functionalities aim to increase user experience by introducing Scale & Shift, and new feature possibilities for administrators.
New Features
UI Design changes,
Scale & Shift,
The ability not to save reports in the database,
Save information on the used scanner,
Force levels for all differences,
Increased report comments character limit.
Bug Fixes
Color points UI issue of showing points selection when Single Page is selected was fixed,
UI difficulties addressed,
Application upgrading complications fixed,
Text inspection report difference description shows overlapping text,
Message to be modified when empty text profile is tried to be saved,
Exit in login screen not functional.
… and many more
Known Issues
Barcode report text is overlapping a bit at the bottom corner when scanner name is attached to the report,
Match scale does not get unchecked when the sample crop is deleted,
Report options for measurement tool is not displayed instantaneously.
To upgrade to GlobalVision Desktop PC 5.12.0 please contact: