4.1.0 PC
Release date: 31 Oct. 2017
New and Improved Interface:
PDFs are loaded directly into the software for faster loading and switching of layers and separations.
New Workflows and Job Wizard functionality to simplify the inspection process for print production or press operators.
Ability to view Inspection Reports directly within the software without an external PDF Viewer.
New and Improved Functionality- All Inspection Modes:
Improved speed when loading PDF and AI files with new multi-threaded rasterizing.
Improved file loading speed for multi-page PDFs and booklets.
Ability to specify a default directory to save inspection reports.
Automatic report file-name generation (a combination of the Product ID and Lot if entered).
Ability to specify a default directory to save image views.
Ability to rotate images in the Master/ Sample Panels after inspection.
Ability to navigate through multi-page files after inspection.
New color-coded buttons for difference levels in the Difference Details panel.
New and Improved Functionality - Graphics:
Ability to locate the difference in view easily in the overview panel to identify the physically printed sample.
Repeats are identified by row and column numbers.
Improved visibility of Repeats in Overview panel by removing Number overlay.
New quicker inspection mode for press-sheet inspections (One-to-One).
Ability to right-click and select an alternate shape for artworks with multiple dielines with the same color.
Ability to scan automatically directly into the software without a scanner interface.
New and Improved Functionality - Barcode:
Improved speed for barcode detection with the new multi-threaded inspection.
Improved the speed of detection of EAN/ UPC barcodes.
Support for Code 32 barcodes.
BWR is supported for all barcode types (exception: Laetus Pharmacode).
Bar Width Reduction (BWR) is displayed in inches as well as millimeters in the report.
Ability to select the following parameters to include when grading barcodes: Data Structure, Quiet Zone, Narrow Bar, Wide to Narrow Ratio.
Option to fail to grade if Bar Width Reduction (BWR) is out of specified range.
Parameter added to adjust narrow bar measurement to not include BWR (INI file setting). Default: BWR is included in the measurement.
New and Improved Functionality- Braille:
Unified English Braille (UEB) added to the Braille library.
Bug Fixes
TIFF file with JPEG compression loads properly (sample-specific).
Improved display of colors in loaded TIFF files.
Colors in TIFF files no longer over-saturated (sample-specific).
Repeats are no longer distorted/ skewed when "Correct distortion, rotation and skew" is enabled (sample-specific).
Marquee and Trim region modes apply to all pages (All Pages Unsorted action) when an inspection is run from a separate page other than the one on which the region mode was applied.
Crop/ Trim/ Media Box selection applied correctly to pages after pages are reloaded and changed prior to inspection.
Overprint is applied correctly to all pages in the Master/ Sample Panels after enabling/disabling.
PDF file loads correctly with or without Enable Overprint (sample-specific).
Master and Sample Information panels do not display in the Inspection View (after being opened and not closed previously).
Ability to group (include/ exclude) multiple differences even if the differences are not selected in the difference list.
Inspection View (Forward) icon no longer displays after a failed multi inspection.
Ability to apply marquee and trim to all, even, or odd pages.
Golden Master image is labeled on the inspection report when the Master is included in the report.
Error message explaining the lack of Multi Inspection support for Braille Compare (Glue Dots) clarified.
Region Mode is set to Full Page by default.
o Image Padding no longer enabled by default when creating a new profile.Profile names display correctly when containing ampersands.
Graphics profiles can be imported on Macintosh systems.
Barcode Inspection results are consistent between Macintosh and PC systems (sample-specific).
BWR displayed with four digits after the decimal point in inches instead of three.
German Braille translation displays correctly (sample-specific).
Bulgarian Braille detected correctly (sample-specific).
Ability to use the tab key in the User Editor form to add information.
Audit Trail events listed in proper chronological order when sorted by date.
Audit Trail description for Full Name edit corrected to indicate that the Full name was edited.
Audit Trail description for Compare (Glue Dots) no longer references app data folder.
Temporary directories deleted upon exiting the application.
TIFF files on Macintosh load properly (sample-specific).
Quit button to exit application no longer grays out on a Macintosh (specific scenarios).
Correct profile names listed in the inspection report for standard (not admin) users.
Application no longer crashes when saving a Single to Many inspection reports after previewing first.
Inspection reports can be overwritten when saving a new report directly from the Report Options window.
Objects aside from the dieline no longer disappear when marking dielines or hiding dieline separations (sample-specific).
Updated license server library to fix licensing issues and to allow for Licensing Key Manager option.
Ability to modify the Standard options (Brightness, Contrast, and Gamma) on the Scan360.
The last-selected Scan360 profile is maintained in the Profile drop-down (does not revert to default).
The preview window zooms into the scanned image correctly (Scan360).
Embossed Braille region detected when selecting an action after re-launching the application (specific scenario – user exits the application, re-launches application, changes the action prior to loading the files).
New printed Braille validation tool (background color removed to eliminate noise).