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Verify Spring Release: 2024.2

Release date: 9th May 2024

The Verify Spring Release is packed with updates! We’re introducing new language dictionaries (Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Japanese, Thai), a faster license activation process, OCR performance updates, and refined text and graphics matching. There are also a number of user experience improvements including the ability to choose text difference types before an inspection, an updated zoom and sync scroll, and much more.

New features & Improvements include:

  • Spell Check is now available for these new languages:

    • Arabic -  العربية

    • Hebrew - עברית

    • Thai - ไทย

    • Korean - 한국어

    • Japanese - 日本語

  • New Text Filters in The Prep Stage: Pre-select desired result types before running Text Comparison.

  • More intuitive Auto Zoom and new ability to lock zoom level: Save and lock zoom levels for smoother document review.

  • More flexible Synced Scrolling: Source and New files scroll together for easier document comparison.

  • Nested Layers Support: Manage Nested Layers within PDF documents for added flexibility.

  • Grouped formatting differences: Compare text more rapidly by grouping text format changes into one difference card

  • Collapsible results panel: Control how you view your documents throughout your inspections

  • OCR performance improvements: Verify’s OCR engine accurately detects special characters, symbols, characters with accents, and non-Latin characters.

    • Special characters: ( ), [ ], { }, &, *, #, \, / ,~, ^, _

    • Symbols: ∑ , ∫ , √ , $ , € , £ , ¥

    • Characters with accents: á, é, í, ó, ú

    • Non-Latin languages: Arabic, Hebrew, Cyrillic, etc.

  • Refined Text Matching: Improved word mapping and matching between the source and new file—yielding a significant improvement in results for text compare.

  • Optimized SSO (Single Sign-On) License Activation Workflow for Administrators: Removes the need for users to confirm their license by interacting with an email, which is sent automatically. Administrators can now also perform a bulk user upload.

Bug Fixes

  • Comments can no longer be inputted when a comment is discarded

  • Bug in barcode inspection annotations in the reports has been resolved

  • The ‘Assign Dictionary’ field is now populated on first click

  • Graphics zone labelling issue is fixed for sub-differences

Known Issues


  • Barcodes sometimes go undetected due to the presence of text zones

  • If a user has a SAML-first identity, changing the Name and Last Name in Verify results in an error message

  • Hyphenated misspelled words are not flagged as a spelling error

  • RSS-14 code is causing barcode inspections to crash

  • Text extracted through Right-to-Left OCR is shifted and therefore offset from its flattened counterpart

  • While performing OCR in Arabic, the Hamza Character is not properly derived from the document

From 2024.1.1

  • Files that undergo OCR during inspections are saved with their original name, rather than a new one

  • File names with Asian characters are not listed in the Summary Report

  • All uploaded files have overprint toggled off by default, which may affect inspection with spot colors


  • Visit the User Guide for detailed instructions on how to use Verify.

  • Visit our Status Page for live status updates and click on the bell icon to sign up for email notifications.

  • Contact for any questions or troubleshooting while using Verify.

  • If you’re not using Verify yet, fill out this form to get a personalized demo.

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