Missed Spelling Error of an Alphanumeric Word
Question: I ran a Spelling Inspection and Verify missed an error in the word 1-Canada which was misspelled as 1-Canda. Why?

Answer: Verify ignores alphanumeric words by default. This includes any words consisting of or using both letters and numerals such as Password-123, Barcode123, 1-Canada, and A1B2C3.
We do have a feature flag that will inspect words that have a number which includes strings of numbers and alphanumeric words. If you would like to trial this feature, please email support@globalvision.co as it is not available for all users.

Please keep in mind this will likely increase the number of false positives as well.
Please feel free to email support@globalvision.co if you have any additional questions. We are happy to help!