Release date: 19th April 2023
Verify 2023.2 focuses on increasing the performance of text-based inspections by improving upon already existing features and by adding a new Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality.
New Features
Introduction of Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which turns flattened text to live text, for Latin languages,
OCR will be available for a Focus Group in the very beginning. Please sign up using this link, if you wish to have access to the feature in beta version!
Possibility to add special characters (Latin characters) to custom dictionaries.
Performance improvement and bug fixes for Text2:
Reduction of “Underline” False Positives by 86%,
Removed duplicate differences,
Order of differences reordered to fit document order,
Fixed issue of lengthy, pending inspections,
Improvement in the text zoning tool selection.
Reduced frequency of shifted difference boxes,
Reduced frequency of malfunctioning Text Zones.
Known Issues
Issues still persist for some files with specific native properties for shifted difference boxes and malfunctioning Text Zones.
API Audit Trail Events missing details,
Status is not updated when ‘Resend Email’ is selected,
Inspections may fail if zoning tools are used for some files.
Bug Fixes
"Account Preference" toast incorrectly triggered issue was resolved,
Creating an inspection from the Veeva integration does not redirect to Verify with the files loaded,
VQA SSO form Connection Name field location issue resolved.
To get a demo of Verify, please visit globalvision.co/verify.
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