Release date: 8th February 2023
Verify 2023.1 provides a user experience boost by implementing Single Sign-On functionality and enhancements on Text Inspection 2.
New Features
Single Sign-On (SSO) allows a more secure and efficient sign-in process, all the while keeping user-password login as well available in the system.
Text Inspection 2 enhancements to ensure a better customer experience that focus on user-friendly features:
Text Select and Marquee Zones Support,
Ignore Text Zones and Ignore Pages Support,
Formatting Differences (Bold, Italic, and Underline) Support,
Deletion Marker placement automatically in the region of the deletion while allowing manual modification.
Known Issues
Difference numbering inconsistency between Results and Report,
Aligned difference card naming between Results and Report,
Status not updated when "Resend Email" is selected,
My Team CSV lists "First + Last Names" for SSO tenant instead of "email" (only affects SSO-enabled tenants created before 2023.1),
Some Audit Trail events are duplicated (only affects tenants created before 2023.1),
Chameleon Launcher is not loading on page refresh,
"Inspection Creation" Public API falsely returns 500 error.
Bug Fixes
"File limit exceeded" message is delayed - Multi file upload,
T2 Content cards not clickable if T1 "Change" difference is filtered out,
File Types not tracked in Segment,
Barcode differences cannot be excluded from report,
Incorrect Data Tracking for Auto-matching.
To get a demo of Verify, please visit globalvision.co/verify.
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