Release date: 20th April 2022
Verify 2022.1 includes several features that expand the abilities of graphics comparison in Verify and will also further automate inspections, easing verification processes for users.
New Features
Automated detection of graphic differences.
Automatically discarding graphics Zones with no differences.
Ability to create custom spelling dictionaries.
Scaled graphic zones to inspect artwork zones with varying scales.
Team list exporting functionality.
Marquee zone is now a crosshair cursor.
User last login date available.
UX/UI improvements (new icons, size, colours, etc.).
Remove location differences.
Known Issues
Deletion Marker tooltip is not displayed on New when selecting a difference on Source or New.
Change Grid does not default to Left to Right when changing Reading Direction in Prep stage after an Inspection.
Shifted Graphics not accounting for file rotation.
Upload file library limit of 16000 files.
Bug Fixes
Long report title causes the report to vanish.
Pagination problem on MyTeam Table.
Unsaved comments are cleared when scrolled out of frame.
Incorrect Text Zone numbering order when returning to the prep stage.
To get a demo of Verify, please visit globalvision.co/verify.
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