Release date: 26th January 2022
Verify 2021.4 features enhancements that set the foundation for graphics comparison in Verify and Integrating further into customers’ workflows
New Features
Full Page Graphic Compare checkbox allowing for graphic inspections on entire pages.
Graphic Differences Communications allows users to manually create annotations around the actual differences within a graphic region in the results tab.
Ability to navigate through grouped identical differences to ensure all are verified.
Medical Dictionary is available for English languages.
Ability to confirm intended changes on annotated files.
“Select/Unselect All” checkbox added when filtering difference types.
Known Issues
Graphics comparison is not possible for Source/New files rotated in different orientations.
Deletion Marker tooltip is not displayed when selecting the difference box on the Source file.
Difference boxes shifted in Verify report stage.
Change Grid does not default to Left to Right when changing Reading Direction in Prep stage after an Inspection.
Hovered annotations are ordered (Oldest to Newest) by “Creation” date rather than “Edit” Date
Bug Fixes
Sub-Card Cancel button gets disabled occasionally.
Removing both "Source" and "New" files from an inspection kills the session.
Difference card list scrolling when clicked.
Sub-cards collapse when user scrolls them out of frame.
Users must interact with an inspection created through the APIs before clicking inspect.
To get a demo of Verify, please visit globalvision.co/verify.
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