Release date: 5th October 2021
Verify 2021.3 is the second official release of GlobalVision’s newest web-based inspection platform.
New Features
New Marquee Zone tool giving users the ability to select text independently from the document’s reading order
Public API’s are now available for seamless integration
Clicking space while a prep tool is selected now activates the panning tool
The Zone Graphics feature has been expanded for use when the inspected artwork is not in the same location on both files.
Zooming at an exponential level
Linebreak space differences are now detected as space differences
Known Issues
Difference box shifts when reaching the report stage on a specific file
Difference skipped when grouped within another larger difference area
Change Grid does not default to Left to Right when changing Reading Direction in Prep stage after an Inspection
Deletion Marker tooltip is not displayed when selecting the difference box on the Source file (Note: it is displayed when selection the deletion difference card)
Users must interact with an inspection created through the APIs before clicking inspect
To get a demo of Verify, please visit globalvision.co/verify.