3.3.0 Release Notes
Release date: 09 Nov. 2018
GlobalVision Web 3.3.0 is a general-maintenance release containing bug fixes, but several new features too, including an updated Graphics Inspection mode.
This is the update from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0. This is a validated release.
Mozilla Firefox now supported.
Flash panel in Graphics Inspection can be resized or popped out into a separate browser window.
Master and Sample panels in Graphics Inspection can be hidden from view.
Graphics and Text inspection views now show total number of differences (instead of ID numbers).
Inspection Options icon has been replaced with the Inspect button.
Locked-out users can re-authenticate their accounts on their own instead of having to contact their administrator.
Warning messages now display before accounts expire.
Sessions time out after 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
Option to email reports to third parties has been removed from individual file-upload screens.
Maintenance Message window and Login, Forgot Password, and Reset Password pages have been redesigned.
Pop-up warning messages have been embedded in the Login page.
"Please contact the system administrator" message is now linked to the GlobalVision support web page.
Sign-up link to the GlobalVision contact page has been added on the Login page.
Zoning search functionality on doc/ docx files now finds matching text strings in the sample.
Text and Spelling Inspection errors are now all highlighted in red (instead of being color-coded).
Bug Fixes
URL encoding for file names is now supported.
Spelling Inspection Difference List is no longer misaligned.
Warning message has been added for when files loaded in Graphics are unsuitable for inspection.
To upgrade to GlobalVision Web 3.3.0, please contact support@globalvisioninc.com.