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What is the difference between "Contex IQ Flex - 2022" and "Contex IQ Flex - Pre 2022"?

Question: For GVD V5.12+, I noticed 2 color libraries. What is “Contex IQ Flex - 2022” and “Contex IQ Flex - Pre 2022?”

Answer: When upgrading to GVD V5.12+, select

  • Contex IQ Flex - 2022 if the scanner was purchased in 2022 and later.

  • Contex IQ Flex - Pre-2022 if the scanner was purchased before 2022.

These options are available because the manufacturer made enhancements to scanners produced in 2022 and later that require updates to our GVD color library as well.

Please feel free to email if you have any additional questions. We are happy to help!

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