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What are the "Color Inspection" settings in NextImage for IQFlex or R44?

Issue: I am using a color-calibrated Contex scanner along with the GVD color inspection to detect Pantone colors. The GVD application is giving delta measurements above 3.5 which is not acceptable. It is too high which is out of the ordinary. I noticed this started after the “Color Inspection” custom profile in NextImage settings changed. What should be the "Color Inspection" settings in NextImage?

Answer: Below are the steps on how to verify the custom settings for “Color Inspection”.

  1. Launch NextImage.

  2. Select “Color Inspection”.

  3. Verify that the settings are:

    • Scan>Resolution: 300 dpi

    • Image Adjustment>Image type: Color (24-bit)

    • Levels>Gamma: 1.9

    • Levels>White points: 235

    • Output file>Save as: TIF

    • Output file>Compression: Uncompressed for both compressions

    • Output file> ICC profile: [Select the calibrated ICC profile already created]

  4. Resave the settings

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