Spelling Inspection - Post-Inspection Results Viewing
This section describes the post-inspection results viewing process and steps, needed after running a Spelling inspection.
Post-Inspection Results
Difference List
The Difference List displays the differences between the Master and Sample files for easy reviewing and proofing. The column headings include ID, Page, Type, Sample (the difference as it appears in the Sample), Comment, and Level.
To select a difference:
Click on the difference in the Difference List. It gets highlighted in the Inspection View.

To assign a level to a difference:
Select the difference in the Difference List. Click the Level column and select the level in the drop-down list that appears. The color-coded level displays in the Difference List to the right of the difference.
Note: Hotkeys (F1 – F5) may be applied to assign levels. Select the difference and click the appropriate "F" key (see below):
1 | Key | Function |
2 | F1 | Reporting level - Critical |
3 | F2 | Reporting level - Major |
4 | F3 | Reporting level - Minor |
5 | F4 | Reporting level - Ignore |
6 | F5 | Reporting level – None |
To assign a level to multiple differences:
Hold down the CTRL key while selecting the differences, click the Level column, and select the level.
Note: On a Mac operating system, to assign a level to multiple differences, hold down the COMMAND and SHIFT keys while selecting the differences, click the Level column, and select the level.
To remove a level assignment:
Click the Level column and select None. The level no longer displays in the Difference List.
To assign a comment to a difference:
Select the difference in the Difference List. Click the Comment column and select one of the predefined comments that appear. The selected comment displays.
To assign a comment to multiple differences:
Hold down the CTRL key while selecting the differences, click the Comment column, and select the comment.
Note: On a Mac operating system, to assign a comment to multiple differences, hold down the COMMAND and SHIFT keys while selecting the differences, click the Comment column, and select the comment.
To assign a customized comment to a difference:
Select the difference in the Difference List, click the Comment column, select Freeform, and type in the Comments text box in the Difference window that appears. Click OK for it to take effect.
To delete a comment from a difference:
Click in the Comment column in the Difference List and select None. Click elsewhere for it to take effect.
To assign a suggested replacement for a difference from the selected dictionary:
Right-click on a difference and select the desired word that displays in the menu that pops up. It appears under the Comment field in that row.
To add a detected spelling mistake to the selected dictionary (administrators, managers, or user groups with ‘modify profile’ access only):
Right-click on a difference and select Add to current dictionary. Click OK to the confirmation message that appears.
Note: All instances of that same spelling mistake no longer appear as differences once it has been added and the inspection is re-run.
To exclude a difference:
Select the difference in the Difference List and click F12. The difference gets crossed out.
Note: An administrator or user groups with Review settings access can configure the Application to force the inclusion of all differences, in which case clicking F12 does not have an effect.