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Proper Care and Storage for Your Color Calibration Chart


This is the Color Calibration Chart that is needed to Color Calibrate your scanner.

Recommendations for Maintaining Your Color Calibration Chart

The charts are made with colorants that are highly resistant to light. However, no colorant is completely resistant. Therefore, it is best to avoid exposing the chart to bright light. When not in use, store it in its plastic bag and the cardboard folder to protect it from light. Additionally, try not to touch the color patches and keep them away from dust, high temperature, humidity, or chemical fumes, as they can damage the chart.

It is recommended to replace the Color Calibration Chart every two years, depending on usage, to ensure accurate color identification and consistency.

The Color Calibration Chart contains the following items:

  • Color Calibration Chart,

  • A plastic bag to put the chart in when not in use to protect it from dust and debris,

  • Cardboard holder – Once the Chart is in the bag, place it in the cardboard holder to protect it from the light.



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