Page Selection Toolbar
The Master/Sample Page Selection toolbar on the bottom of both Master and Sample panels contains the following tools:
Page Selection Toolbar
1. Page Navigation
To display a different page in the Master/ Sample panel before or after inspections:
Click the left or right arrows on either side of the Page Navigation tool.
Click on the arrow in the middle of the tool to access the Page Navigation drop-down list and go directly to the page of your choice.
Note: When performing single-page inspections on multi-page files, this feature is disabled after the inspection is run.
2. Page Selection

Click the Page Selection icon for the option to include or exclude pages from a multi-page document when running an inspection. This launches the Select Pages window.
When clicking the icon in the Master panel, the Select Master Pages window pops up.
When clicking the icon in the Sample panel, the Select Sample Pages window pops up instead.
To include/ exclude different pages in a master or sample file before running an inspection:
Click Include or Exclude on the left side of the window.
Click either All Pages, Even Pages, or Odd Pages, or enter a custom range on the right side.
Select Apply to Master/ Apply to Sample, depending on the panel in which the Page Selection icon was first clicked, to finalize the page range.
Select Copy to Sample/ Copy to Master to apply the same range to the other panel.
Note: Copy to Sample/ Copy to Master can only be used when the number of pages is the same in the Master and Sample.
To reset the pages and negate your selection:
Click the Reset Pages icon to the left of the Page Selection icon.
3. Show Pages

The Show Pages/Hide Pages icon shows/hides an extra panel displaying all the pages loaded in the Master or Sample panel.
When the panel is hidden, an up arrow appears. Once the icon has been clicked and the panel appears, displaying the different pages, a down arrow appears instead.
Note: The icon is disabled once an inspection is run.
To display a different page in the Master or Sample panel:
Click on the page of your choice in the Show Pages panel.
To scroll through the loaded pages in the Show Pages panel:
Move the mouse over the scroll bar at the bottom of the panel.
Scroll the trackwheel up or down or left-click the mouse and move it in the desired direction.
Right-click on the scroll bar and choose between the following options:
To exclude a page from the inspection:
Right-click on a page in the panel to reveal the Exclude Page option.
Click it to cross the page out and exclude it from the inspection.
To re-include excluded page(s):
Right-click a page and unselect the Exclude Page option that appears.
Click the Reset Pages icon to reset all pages.
4. Reload Page

To reload the Master:
Click Reload Page. The image reloads in the Master panel.
5. Rotate Page

To rotate the Master 90º clockwise: Click on Rotate → then select Rotate 90 CW.
To rotate the Master 90º counter-clockwise: Click on Rotate → then select Rotate 90 CCW.
To rotate the Master 180º clockwise: Click on Rotate → then select Rotate 180.
To specify the angle to rotate the Master: Click on Rotate → then select Arbitrary rotate.
Insert the desired angle by typing in the prompt or clicking the arrows on either side and click OK.
Note: Not recommended for Text and Spelling Inspection modes.
To mirror-rotate the Master horizontally: Click on
Rotate → then select Mirror Horizontally.
Note: Not recommended for Text and Spelling Inspection modes.
To mirror-rotate the Master vertically: Click on
Rotate → then select Mirror Vertically.
Note: Not recommended for Text and Spelling Inspection modes.
9. Save View

To save the Master image view:
Click Save View
The Save As window displays. Type in the file name and click Save.