Are there any third party products, runtime, control, runtime, etc.… that is required for this client application? If yes, please list all with the versions required.
Does the installation include the ability for silent installation?
Are there any options to pre-configure software / customize setup without end user interaction including switches
Are there any option to pre-configure software / customize setup using configuration files that require edits before installation (i.e. MST transform files, INI setup files)?
Are there any special tools provided by software vendor to customize installation (i.e. Microsoft Office Deployment Tool)? Please list or attach documentation.
Does the installation contain installation log functions to troubleshoot installation errors?
Does the installation include the possibility to uninstall software silently?
Are there any middleware requirements or other dependent software requirements necessary for the successful installation and use of the software?
Are tools and techniques used to detect security defects in code prior to production? This includes the use of application scans by third-party products. If yes, please describe.
Can WestRock perform application security scans on this software? If no, please explain.
Are tools and techniques used for validating user input? If yes, please describe.
Does the software include any open source products or any other third party code or control that is not directly supplied and supported by the vendor? If yes, please explain, list or provide a list as an attachment.
Does the software include any disabling device such as any lock, clock, timer, counter, cap limit, CPU serial number references, copy control, copy protection, or anti-replication features?
Does the system support any data transmission (interfaces) either inbound or outbound? If yes, please indicate all of the data transmissions, where they are going, and what supported method(s) of data transmission are to be used.
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