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Graphics Inspection - Actions and Profiles


This section describes the default actions and profile associated with Graphics inspection.

Default Actions



Description/ File Types



Graphics Inspection

Single Page

Compare a single master page to a single sample page or press sheet.

All Pages

Compare all master pages or files to all sample pages or files. It will necessarily compare Master page 1 with Sample page 1 and so on.

All Pages Unsorted

Compare all master pages or files to all sample pages or files when they are in a different order. It will find and compare the corresponding page even not necessarily in the same order.

Single to Many

Compare a single-page master file to a multi-page sample file with repeats.

Many to Many

Compare unsorted multi-page master files to unsorted multi-page sample files with repeats.

Default Profiles



Description/ File Types

Graphics Inspection


Compare electronic original artwork and a revised copy.

Digital to Scan

Compare electronic original artwork and a scanned image.


Compare two Run Length Encoding bitmap files.


Compare electronic original artwork and a digital proof.

Scan to Scan

Compare two scanned images.

Note: Please visit the Profile Settings to understand the process of adding. deleting or modifying a Profile.

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