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Braille Inspection - Actions and Profiles


This section describes the default actions and profile associated with Braille inspection.

Default Actions



Description/ File Types

Braille Inspection

Translate Master

Translate the Braille in a digital master file.

Inspect Braille Sample

Inspect the frontside Braille in a(scanned) sample file.

Compare PDF to Scan (Backside)

Compare Braille regions on a digital master to their counterparts on the backside of a Braille scan.

Compare PDF to Scan (Frontside)

Compare Braille regions on a digital master to their counterparts on the frontside of a Braille scan.

Note: Only Braille Inspection actions can be added to the mode’s drop-down list.

Users with administrative privileges possess the unique ability to add, rename, and delete Braille actions as well as modify their respective individual parameter values.

Default Profiles



Description/File Types

Braille Inspection


Braille languages to choose from when inspecting master or sample files or comparing the two. Custom Braille Language is also supported.

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