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Artwork Creation Guide

We all have expectations that a given item looks and works the same no matter where we buy it. However, few would expect an automated assembly line to produce perfectly sealed jars of goods without the jars starting off in pristine condition. After all, there is an undeniable degree of pre-organization that enters into the equation. Quality is only controlled when a product is made the same way every time.

That is where this book, a distinct set of rules for the print design and packaging community, comes into play. The best practices outlined here layout key issues, risks, and solutions to tasks we face every day.

This is just the beginning, though. The final page is just a placeholder for best practices yet to come. Others are still being added regularly by a dedicated committee. By external contributors like GlobalVision customers. By graphic designers, marketers, packaging specialists, and printers. Many are reading this right now and have made a conscious decision to consistently employ at least most of the practices that follow. They may not all be applicable to each company, but the core underlying principles, especially as they relate to the need for standards, certainly do.

One goal is for new contributors to feel welcome to improve on this collection and even add to it. Centralizing our experiences will improve how we work together.

That’s the bigger goal here, to stimulate and settle debates regarding standards before ultimately setting ones we can all follow. 

Reuben Malz,

CEO, GlobalVision Inc.

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