5.9.0 - Layout
The Inspection View contains panels that let you review the text inspection results. These panels constitute your layout and can be displayed or hidden as required.
Layout Settings
Layout customization is ideal for multi-monitor configurations, as panels can be placed on separate displays. To view the different layout panels that can be loaded, click on Menu → then Layout.

To display/ hide the panels:
Uncheck the panel name in the Layout drop-down menu or click on X in the top-right corner of the panel once it has been loaded to hide it. Check the panel name to display it.
To move a given panel:
Click on its title bar, hold down, and shift it to one of the empty areas in the margins of your screen.
To save your layout for it to re-appear as is, upon closing and re-opening the Application:
Click Save Layout.
To reset your layout to the default:
Click Reset Layout.
Master Panel
Toggling the Master Panel on/off in the Layout drop-down menu shifts the file from appearing in the Sample panel (regardless of whether it is a master or sample being inspected) to it taking up the entire Inspection View. The latter is the default position .
Inspections Panel
The Inspection View contains the Inspections panel, which lists completed inspections. For example, you may run multiple inspections prior to generating the report. The Application lets you rename the inspections and/or exclude them from the report.

To rename the inspection:
Right-click on the inspection name in the Inspections panel. Click Rename.
Enter the desired name and click OK.
The new name displays in the Inspections panel.
To exclude the inspection from the report:
Right-click on the inspection name in the Inspections panel. Click Exclude from the report.
The inspection name gets crossed out in the Inspection Panel.
The inspection is not included in the next generated report.