The Job Wizard helps ensure all conventions within an organization are met from user to user and no one deviates from set processes. Printers specifically can make use of the Job Wizard and Scan for Barcodes feature, which intuitively matches pre-labeled master files to barcodes on given samples.
Set your Job Master Path under Preferences before you begin.
To create a job:
Click on the File icon on the top panel→ then select New Job.
Note:Enable the Show Job Interface checkbox in Preferences to launch the Job Wizard upon login/clicking Reset.
Choose a workflow from default or custom (i.e. created by an administrator or user groups with Review Settings access) to continue.
The Master & Sample Selection screen appears.
Click on Scan Sample on the top-right corner to scan a hard copy or Load Sample to upload a digital file.
Note: User can rotate the Sample file(s) if needed, by clicking the corresponding thumbnail at the bottom-right corner.
Use the
thumbnail (on non-scanned files) to open the Layers and Separations window.
Click the PDF Page Box drop-down list to choose from Media Box, Trim Box, or Crop Box selections to automatically crop the file.
Set Enable overprint by checking the corresponding box.
Choose between Layers or separations or none from the Dieline drop-down.
Click the eye icon beside the layer(s) and/ or separation(s) to toggle on or off. Click OK to accept.
Follow the same steps to load the Master File.
Select the Scan for Barcodes button. The Barcode Selection window loads with a drop-down menu of the different barcodes contained in the loaded Sample. Select or type in the assigned barcode as Job ID.
Next, click on the Add from Job Path button(i.e. the folder icon beside scan and load master) to open the Job Path window. This generates a list of matching master files containing the same string in their names or parent folders.
Select the applicable Master for the current inspection.
Fill in the Lot and Product Name field (if applicable). While a report is being generated, corresponding text entered to those field appears in the Report Options window (also inside the PDF report)
Click Next to go to Prepare Files screen, to select the die-line color on the Master, for the shape extraction process.
Use the Marquee Selection tool to select different regions for inspection. Choose the file and select the desired region. Resize the selection by scrolling over or clicking on its borders. Click on the tool again to reset.
In the case of any multi-page file, a select page from the drop-down list directly below the Marquee Selection tool. This enables the new page to be displayed and adjusted.Click the Next button again to navigate to the next master file, in case more than one had been loaded.
Click to close the Job Wizard and cancel the entire process at any stage.
Click the Inspect button to load files in Master and Sample panels and run inspection.
Note:The process follows the same steps as a normal inspection at this point, with the file(s) loaded in the Inspection View.
Consult the Graphics, Barcode, Braille, Text, or Spelling Inspection chapters for more information.
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