5.9.0 - Customizing Graphics Profile
Before performing an inspection, the action and profile for the Graphics Inspection Mode must be set.
1. Adding Profiles
To create a profile from scratch:
Select Profile → Manage. Click Add. The Edit Profile window will display pre-populated (default) values.
Enter the new profile name in the Profile Name text box. Update the values as required.
Click Apply. The Profile window will display, featuring the new profile name
2. Repeat Detection
Select Profile → Manage and choose a profile.
Click the Repeat Detection tab in Edit Graphics Profile Window. Enter the custom parameters.
3. Pixel Shift and Kerning
Select Profile → Manage and choose a profile.
Click the Text tab in Edit Graphics Profile Window. Enter the custom parameters in Low or Hight contrast.
4. Minimum Pixel Size
Select Profile → Manage and choose a profile.
Click the Text tab or Artwork in Edit Graphics Profile Window. Enter the custom parameters in the Minimum detection size.
5. Adjusting Sensitivity
Select Profile → Manage and choose a profile.
Click the Text tab or Artwork tab in Edit Graphics Profile Window. Enter the custom parameters in Sensitivity.
6. CTRL + D Function
Use CTRL + D Function (developer mode) to identify wish parameter to Adjust
7. Difference Grouping
Select Profile → Manage and choose a profile.
Click General in Edit Graphics Profile Window. Enter the custom parameters in Difference grouping in pixels.